Welcome to my blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Fung and I am a secondary school student.
My interests are reading books, and playing outdoor sports. My most favoured sport is football, because it consists of communication and teamwork.
This blog is for saving my school work, and posting educational videos to help myself remember work I have done. Most of it will be written work, although I will post some videos.

Inspirational Quotes

Friday, July 8, 2011

Stillness Speaks - Eckhart Tolle

I realize that I have posted a post that has the same title as above. But this is the other prose I was talking about. And the prose was taken out of the first page of this book. This is the other piece I had to recite:

When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. 

Your innermost sense of self, of who you are, is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am that is deeper than name and form.

Stillness is your essential nature. What is stillness? The inner space or awareness in which the words on this page are being perceived and become thoughts. Without that awareness, there would be no perception, no thoughts, no world.

You are that awareness, disguised as a person.

The equivalent of external noise is the inner noise of thinking. The equivalent of external silence is inner stillness.

Whenever there is some silence around you – listen to it. That just means notice it. Pay attention to it. Listening to silence awakens the dimensions of stillness within yourself, because it is only through stillness that you can be aware of silence.

See that in the moment of noticing the silence around you, you are not thinking. You are aware, but not thinking. 

When you become aware of silence, immediately there is that state of inner still alertness. You are present. You have stepped out of thousands of years of collective conditioning. 

Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. 

I understand that some readers will not necessarily like this prose, as the book is a spiritual and in a way religious book which not every reader likes to read. Eckhart Tolle teaches you how to be happy in life. The book gives you a good feeling to feel calm in any circumstances. 

Hope you enjoyed it, but I do understand some readers don't like such books. Thanks! 

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