Welcome to my blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Fung and I am a secondary school student.
My interests are reading books, and playing outdoor sports. My most favoured sport is football, because it consists of communication and teamwork.
This blog is for saving my school work, and posting educational videos to help myself remember work I have done. Most of it will be written work, although I will post some videos.

Inspirational Quotes

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ulysses - Alfred Lord Tennyson

It little profits that an idle king,
By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.
I cannot rest from travel; I will drink
life to the lees. All times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
that loved me, and alone; on shore, and when
Through scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
Vexed the dim sea. I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have I seen and known---cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments,
Myself not least, but honored of them all---
And drunk delight of battle with my peers,
Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.
I am part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end.
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!
As though to breathe were life! Life piled on life
Were all too little, and of one to me
Little remains; but every hour is saved
From that eternal silence, something more,
A bringer of new things; and vile it were
For some three suns to store and hoard myself,
And this gray spirit yearning in desire
To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.

This is my son, my own Telemachus,
To whom I leave the scepter and the isle---
Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfill
This labor, by slow prudence to make mild
A rugged people, and through soft degrees
Subdue them to the useful and the good.
Most blameless is he, centered in the sphere
Of common duties, decent not to fail
In offices of tenderness, and pay
Meet adoration to my household gods,
When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. 
There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail;
There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners,
Souls that have toiled, and wrought, and thought with me---
That ever with a frolic welcome took
The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed
Free hearts, free foreheads---you and I are old;
Old age hath yet his honor and his toil.
Death closes all; but something ere the end,
Some work of noble note, may yet be done,
Not unbecoming men that strove with gods.
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks;
The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends.
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
the sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be that we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Though much is taken, much abides; and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are---
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. 

Trip to Beijing!

Do you like traveling? Because I sure don’t like going down to those big airports and mounting on to those fast big jets!

Anyways, you better pay attention and listen up carefully, because I’m going to tell you a secret that not many people know about me; Well, I’m actually acrophobic and scared of heights … Remember not to tell anyone!

When I looked down, I had the sense that I was going to fall down. I found myself at least 50 feet off the ground. Seriously, that is creepy… 

I was in a Chinese made orange cable car. As soon as I tread onto the cable car, my step made the car sway from one end to the other started making me lose balance to wave around as I sat on one side, I was scared, and when my dad and my dad’s friend got on, they both sat on the other side of the cable car, I felt even more scared, in fact I felt hopeless. Them both weighing at least 60 kg each and me just weighing under 40 kg sitting on one side? The cable car started to bank backwards, and as I tried to look at objects at far away distances, I felt like vomiting. But they both were happily laughing and “giggling” their heads off, I just wanted to hug my dad… Although that is pretty humiliating for an 11 year old kid hugging his father? If any of my friends saw that, they would just start to provoke me. 

Anyways, the ride only took 5 minutes, although it felt like half an hour to me, it was disgraceful. Oh, excuse me for not clarifying where I was traveling; I was on a trip to go see one of the top ten great wonders of the world! In China, you are “required” to go see at least one famous historical structure, for example: the Great Wall. As we got up to the Great Wall, the landscape was breathtaking; everywhere was covered in natural habitat as if it were pristine. As we stepped onto the great wall, I asked myself: “how was it ever possible to bring such hefty bricks up these steep and narrow mountains”? We looked across to see the other side of the Great Wall. And this just blew my mind, all I saw was steep perpendicular staircases, and it would just go on and on and on. It was just steps of millions. 

As my dad took his camera out to take a picture, I saw a child and his mother speedily walking downstairs. At that point, I thought that I was a psychic; I knew that the child was going to stumble; he was just like a little 5-year-old kid running around on slippery steps. Two seconds later, all I saw was just a little rock rolling down 3 sets of staircases and the mother running after. I personally wouldn’t have run down that staircase. 

When I looked to see that everything was black, I knew something was wrong, so just to check, I rubbed my eyes to see if it were just I. But it wasn’t, I looked up to see a big patch of cloud and a splash in my face, my face was wet. Well, what can we say? Life is unpredictable eh? Anything can happen. As we carried our tiresome walk to another depot (another structure such as: weaponry room, cooking room, sleeping area etc.) I realized that this place hasn’t been touched ever since it was built, none of it was, even the tiles on the floor, they were all still intact, but some of them have cracks or had been smashed. As we were paying too much attention to the stunning terrain, my dad almost tripped because of a broken fractured slate tile. 

Anyways after we arrived to our designated location, the watchtower, we went to the roof, and stared at the million-stair staircase, and took great photos, especially with my dad’s friends Leica camera that was encased with a leather cover. Suddenly a stranger (probably from a country from Asia) came up and asked us graciously in English for us to help him take a photo. It’s surprisingly wonderful how people around the whole world can speak English, right? But I think someday Pu Tong Hua will take over the language of English used in the world, and will be the most popular language in use! I especially noticed, all the tourists up at the Great Wall were from foreign countries such as: Russia, England and the US. But they were all expensive: Canon, Sony, and all of them in possession of professional cameras!

Well, we had to go home some time; we couldn’t stay forever although I wished I could! So we began our final descent down back to where we came from, and I had the same instinct as coming up, just even worse. So this time, my dad had come to sit with me this time, so I felt quite safe but at the same time scared.  

What do you think about China? Do you think that you would like to stay in China for a living? I personally wouldn't want to stay in China to live, even for future endeavors. If you look at the people: spitting on the floor, mad driving on the streets? I’ve even seen a dead dog lying around the corner of a street! But I would like to be related to China in some sort of way for business because I am pretty sure that China will be the future market! A market that includes all items: cars, cameras, food, eyeglasses, blankets etc.  

That night, we intentionally reserved a table at a restaurant at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. In fact, do you know what Beijing cuisine is famous for? Because when you visit this restaurant, it will blow your mind! Beijing cuisine is famous for eating Peking Duck “北京烤鴨”and Peking dumplings “北京羊肉水餃”. That restaurant name was pretty funny… Guess what the name was? Made In China! The restaurant decoration was pretty much Western and there was an open kitchen where you could see the chef’s cooking! All the fresh aroma, from meat to vegetable could be sensed from the whole entire restaurant. Our reservation table was right in front of the dumpling counter; they would make the dumplings right in front of us. Good way to learn how to make good and tasty dumplings! Lets skip to the yummy and tasty bit. When our Peking duck arrived, we had a chef cut it up live, in front of us. And when we received our duck, all of us just plucked for the skin, the reason why was; the skin was the most tasty part, it just melted instantly as soon as it would come in contact with your tongue. When we asked for our cheque 買單, I took a little peek at it, and it wasn’t that expensive compared to Hong Kong! 

Driving in China is one of the lousiest places to drive on earth, especially on 安街. Chang An Street is the densest area in Beijing. The road simply is just an uncurving road; it goes on for miles and miles. If you were in the middle of rush hour, you will have taxis to buses pushing and honking their way to every minuscule space you could imagine. A ride supposing to only take 15 minutes home became a disaster of becoming 45 minutes. Terrible isn’t it? What is the difference between driving in Hong Kong (apart from terrible driving)? Well, there are only two main differences, and they are; that the driver seat would be on the left side instead of the right, and that you have to drive on the right side of the road and not the left side. But does it make a significant difference? I doubt it makes a difference, but I guess that’s the way the Chinese government prefers it! 

Letter Home - World War 1 (Fiction)

Dear Mama and Papa,

How are you doing back in England? Hope all is well. Here at the Western Front it is a living hell.

All day we dig trenches, and pray to God that we do not get hit by enemy artillery bombardment. The trenches are narrow, possibly only able to fit 2 people in a spot. The trenches run along forever, I have never seen the other side of the trench though. You are lucky you aren’t in my position haha. All my friends have vanished, off the face of this earth, and my only best friend is my weapon, the Lee Enfield 0.303 rifle. I sleep, fight, eat and whatever you can name with my weapon.

I am eager to come home, but Sergeant Chapman says we won’t be coming home any sooner. Every now and then, there is a ripple of machine gun fire in the air. It is frightening to hear bullets whiz right next to your ear. It’s almost like there is a beehive right next to you, and if you move, the bees would sting you (but in our case, the bullets would take your life).

Yesterday was possibly the worst day yet, we had just captured an enemy trench, but the floor was half full of mud and water. We started draining it, but our work soon became needless. The captors before us already had buried their dead in the mud. The place was full of rotten, swollen, bodies. The smell, it smelt.... like vomit, mixed along with.... you know... it was basically vomit and human waste and everything altogether.

Yesterday I even witnessed a soldier who shot himself, and sacrificed his leg for his eagerness of homesickness. He couldn’t bare it no more here in the trench. He said “Harry, I am going home to my wife and kids. I’ll be some use to them as a cripple, but none at all dead!” and he pointed his gun at his toe, and squeezed the trigger. Instantaneously two of his toes blew off, and the others were left hanging by a thread. That was how far some soldiers would go, they would do such extreme things to themselves to get home. Let’s hope I am not that fast on the trigger.

Everyday I have to put up with the intolerable stench of corpses, possibly dead or alive. The bodies had been exposed for days, all swollen and mostly burst. All we can do is hope we can move soon to a new trench. But rarely will we find one without at least 50 bodies for the least. As I said, trench life is a living hell.

Mama and Papa, is it Christmas time yet? We don’t have time to keep track of dates here in the battlefield, have you had your turkey yet? Haha, our feasts rarely get any special. All we have are tea and dog biscuits. On rare occasions would we get meat, possibly once every 2 weeks (that would be considered lucky). Never would we get a second of comfort, and we would have to eat the most terrible of terrifying foods,while dipping our feet in cold, damp, wet water and put up with the smell of dead corpses.

Many soldiers would get frostbite or trench foot as they call it. It is almost a sensation of someone trying to pull out the bullet that was fired into your shoulder, just that its 100 times worst. The eerie feel lasts forever, never stopping, your feet start to swell, swelling 3 times above the regular size. Your foot would be completely numb, and someone could even stab a bayonet into your toe and you wouldn’t feel it. Many of the soldiers end up amputating their feet.

Each and every second us soldiers live by the fear of getting hit by an enemy sniper. It seems like the enemy snipers are equipped with some fancy scopes. As soon as we hear a sound or echo in the distance, we have to follow the order of hit the deck. Although there is the wary of disgust on the floor, it is for our own protection that we hit the deck when we hear a sound pop off in the distance. The snipers only pop off a few rounds to keep us occupied when we think its the safest time in the day. Most of the time, they don’t manage to hit us, but occasionally they sometimes do.

The rest of the German army charge forward towards our traverse (Front Line Trench if you would like), but they are stupid, and blind enough not to see the wire obstacles, and the barbed wire entanglements just 40 yards out of us. I mean seriously... Would you not see a whole line of stupid glittering silvery stuff? Come on... Oh well, its unfortunate for them that most of the time the raids fail.

Just recently there were some curious activities just a few clicks off of our trench camp. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but it had some smell of garlic. Sergeant Chapman stated it was some sort of gas...? Ah... I recall now.. Sergeant Chapman called it Mustard Gas I think. He said that to all the traitors who tried to run would be caught by the Germans for some reason. And they would get caught and be exposed to Mustard Gas (he said to keep it a secret between him and I). He said it would lead to death if too exposed. Phew I ain’t nowhere close to any of that stuff. What a relief.

It is so frightening here. Everyday I am opened to seeing all my friends dying, (now that they are all dead) I feel very lonesome. I do not know what to do. All I can keep thinking about is Mama and Papa at home. I’ve seen some of our machine gun post men ordered by our own Lieutenant to light up any deserters, or either let them run away and get captured by the Germans by waving a white flag. Our Lieutenant is very harsh, and he takes everything deep down to his heart. He is sort of like those patriotic-militaristic-and-imperialistic people.

Mama, have you ever wondered to yourself why humans go to war? Well lately, this question constantly comes across my mind. And honestly, even though I am experiencing front line trench warfare I can’t give you a definitive answer.

Papa, how is work? Doing good old man? Must be hell of a struggle to be making cash, or is it the other way around? Haha. How’s the weather doing back there? Although the frontline’s of Verdun seem like a hell of a crisis, the weather is the absolute best I could have wished for. According to my new buddy Richard Beasley (he’s an weather expert) he says the Northern part of France is in an temperate climate zone, which is marvelous (you could say I fished my wish). Beasley says we are in the better side of France in terms of weather: The South-east is full of an Mediterranean climate. The West is in an oceanic weather zone, and inland, it’s not the best pick out of the 4. You know what? When I come back, and I mean when I come back from this living hell. I probably would like to come back to London and become a geologist or a historian! In fact, that is exactly what I am going to do!

Anyways, how is Joan doing? Haven’t been in touch with her for a while. Please tell her that I kindly send a Hi from the frontline of the Battle of Verdun haha, and tell her I will be coming back soon. Please tell her I love her as well.

Yours truly,
Private First Class Harry Patch

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is the fourth longest river in the world at 2230 miles ( 3730 km). It spreads from 31 states in the United States to two provinces in Canada. It is the second longest river system in the US, starting from the river source at Northwestern Minnesota to the river mouth the Gulf Of Mexico.  
Historically, the Mississippi River came from Ojibwa and was named “Michi Sepe” which translated means Great River. The name was created by Lieutenant Henri De Tonti. Many native “American tribes have had faith in this river”. But today, the name of the river has formed into the Mississippi River. 

Presently, the river is used for many things such as amusement, mostly for water sports. Also the water in the Mississippi River is very important to some industrial residents in the nearby area because of the drinking water produced by the Mississippi River, it is very important that it is clean!  If you haven’t noticed, the Mississippi River looks pretty a like to a shipping port, many barges and ships dock and import many things such as agriculture and industrial goods. 

Recreation: The Mississippi River catches many people locally, and internationally, it is also famous for its recreational purposes. Many people go their to go on barges, steamboats or even go canoeing, it is most famous for water sports such as water-skiing. But there are many more different things, it is not just all about water! Its about nature! There are many national parks, nature trials. 

Issues or Problems: It is said that the Mississippi River has four major problems with pollution, bacteria pollution, nutrient pollution, toxic pollution and sediment pollution. A report from the 1990’s stated that there were many toxic pollution of organic and inorganic materials. Mostly referring to metals and heavy metals.  

Start of the River: Mississippi River goes through many states in the United States, and starts from Lake Itasca, Minnesota, New Orleans, Louisiana Minneapolis, St. Louis, Memphis, Tennessee, Los Angeles, St. Paul and Baton Rouge and begins its flow to the Gulf of Mexico. One of its main tributaries is the Missouri River. Because of developed tributaries in the area, the water quality of the has changed the Mississippi and the Gulf Of Mexico. 
Up Stream:  The Mississippi River starting from its source to the confluence in the Ohio River. The Upper Mississippi River is divided into three parts: 
  • The headwaters 493 miles (793 km) headwaters is the closest stream from the source. 
  • Man made lakes 
  • Middle of the Mississippi River
River Source: 
The river starts from Lake Itasca, Minnesota. Lake Itasca is also connected by some other smaller streams. The whole river has 41 dams in between lakes, confluences, etc. The most closest lock and dam is in Upper Saint. Anthony Falls in Minneapolis. As the closer to a lock and dam, the elevation of a river gets drops inch by inch closer to sea level.  
Tributaries: The confluence of the Mississippi River is where the Mississippi and the Ohio River meet. And from the Ohio River and downwards towards the Gulf Of Mexico it is called the Lower Mississippi River. During the whole course of the Mississippi, it consists of 250 tributaries, a few major tributaries are: the White River in east central Arkansas. What is a opposite of a tributary? The opposite of a tributary is a distributary. A distributary is a branch of river that does not connect. And an example of that is: the Atchafalaya River in Louisiana.   
Water Shed: The Mississippi has the fourth largest drainage basin in this world. The drainage basin covers all over all 31 states and 2 provinces in Canada. The river basin then flows to the Gulf Of Mexico for about 100 miles. The Mississippi River drains the majority of the area from one side of the country to the other side.   
The river system for the Mississippi River down to the Gulf Of Mexico, including all 31 states. 

The Gulf Of Mexico is the ninth largest coverage of water in the world. The Gulf Of Mexico is landlocked and is surrounded by North America and Cuba. It is considered part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The deepest part of the Gulf Of Mexico reaches up to 4384 meters deep. Due to the connection of the Gulf and the Atlantic, the Gulf has very small tidal ranges.  The Gulf receives water from 33 major lakes or rivers from 31 states across the US. It supports many fishing and shipping companies. The reason why it supports many fishing companies is because: the outer border of the Gulf the Florida and the Yucatan receive more cooler water which gets rich quality nutrients by a process known as upwelling, which increases plankton growth, which then attracts more sea creatures such as fish, squid, crabs etc. It is also one of the warmest bodies of water in the world. 

What is the connection between the Gulf Of Mexico and Mississippi River? The connection between both the Mississippi and the Gulf is, the Mississippi’s river water flow down to the river mouth, which supposedly is a bigger stream of water e.g. lake, sea, ocean etc. So the Gulf Of Mexico is the river mouth for the Mississippi River, meaning that the water flows into the Gulf Of Mexico... 

Pollution: There major problems in the Gulf as you see on the Newspapers. Many oil spills have occurred in the vicinity. There are 27000 abandoned oil and gas wells hidden in the Gulf. Not just oil spills from the oil or gas wells, but also from shipping companies that have tonnes and tonnes  of oil on board and when either the ship explodes... Or the ship sinks... Or maybe even the oil just gets spilt. 

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