Welcome to my blog

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Fung and I am a secondary school student.
My interests are reading books, and playing outdoor sports. My most favoured sport is football, because it consists of communication and teamwork.
This blog is for saving my school work, and posting educational videos to help myself remember work I have done. Most of it will be written work, although I will post some videos.

Inspirational Quotes

Friday, June 10, 2011


Last year, I created a little document about Knowledge. This was during Year 7, and was the longest piece of writing I have done in Year 7. Although it seems very short, at the time I was very proud of this accomplishment:

“Knowledge is the psychological result of perception, learning and reasoning. In other words, knowing facts and information and the ability to do something is what a common definition of what knowledge is. Intellectually, knowledge is the awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning, or through introspection. Knowledge is an appreciation of the possession of interconnected details, which, in isolation, are of lesser value. Knowledge is organized or contextualized information, which can be used to produce new meanings and generate new data. It is the act or condition of knowing something with a familiarity gained through experience or association.”

Good knowledge is hard to find. You can acquire knowledge by experimenting with things or by looking at things around you, or by reading information, watching T.V. etc. You can explore things, and gather new knowledge along the way. You can also gather knowledge by having conversations with knowledgeable people. In other words, knowledge can be taught through different types of media or acquired through experiences. As such, knowledge can be transmitted the same way.

I think that acquiring good knowledge is difficult. Things around us can all become good knowledge. Things that help us understand are true knowledge. What others tell you are not necessarily good knowledge, until you consider it and try it for yourselves, then it becomes true knowledge. You gather knowledge everyday, although you may not know, you gain knowledge bit by bit, and you acquire more of it, as you get older. You can also acquire knowledge in almost any activity that is if you are eager to learn. Knowledge is simple, look around and you can find it.

 A person, to begin with does not understand anything, but with gathering of knowledge, he will start to know more about this world. With more and more knowledge, a person will be more accurate and smarter, on every decision he makes. It is however wise to share one’s knowledge with others. Through this sharing of knowledge, human race would move forward. One can say that the person, who acquires knowledge, is also the owner of this knowledge. As all knowledge, are embedded in his mind.

Knowledge is a very important thing in life, in fact it maybe one of the most important. Without accurate knowledge, you would make wrong decisions, and the outcome could be disastrous. The more accurate knowledge you know, the better.

Knowledge is power.

“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.”

“All men by nature desire knowledge”

“When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it-this is knowledge.”

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