Core Rules of Netiquette - by Shea
Rule 1. Remember the human
Everyone posting or reading mail is a person. Everything that you post and say can hurt other people’s feelings. When posting, proactively ‘put your shoes in other peoples shoes’. Do not post hateful messages or things that you would attempt not to say in real life.
Rule 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
Do not violate any rules and regulations, or even bypassing the law.
Have a sense of moral standards.
Rule 3. Know where you are in cyberspace
Be aware of your surroundings, different audiences respond accordingly to their sensitiveness toward’s how they decode messages.
Rule 4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
Before asking questions, check and research whether it has been answered before to not waste other people’s time.
Make sure messages are sent to the appropriate audience
If possible, frequently use private message rather than group messages if need be.
Rule 5. Make yourself look good online
Check grammar and spelling before sending
Do not post conflicting messages.
Rule 6. Share expert knowledge
Offer to extend your knowledge to other’s who need it. Sharing is caring.
Rule 7. Help keep flame wars under control
Do not respond to hate messages, simply ignore. Ignore them.
Do not let your emotions get the better of you, it is a reflection of your EQ and personality as well as patience.
Rule 8. Respect other people’s privacy
Do not read other people’s private messages
Rule 9. Don’t abuse your power
You are not inferior to anybody, you are vulnerable to anybody; so are others.
Everyone should be treated with equality
Rule 10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
Politely point out mistakes privately rather than publicly addressing them, as it embarrasses the individual.
Do not present yourself to be arrogant or self-righteous; after-all, we are all just human and we are not perfect.
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